This method is not necessary if you have central management of Avast on one device and can remove the email footer text in one go, but is very useful for companies where people use different versions of Avast or where only some people use Avast.Ĭrossware Mail Signature can help you set up a company-wide email modifier (allowing you to find and replace values) which will automatically remove the Avast footer. One handy feature in Crossware Mail Signature helps you remove email footers from all business correspondence, company wide. How do I turn off Avast email signature for my whole organisation? Un-check it and confirm by clicking on ‘OK‘.
Select the Protection icon on the left.
Go to Menu in the upper right corner and click on Settings.Click on the Avast icon in your Windows system tray.We will explain how to disable the email signatures in both versions. First, check whether you are using the latest version of Avast (2020) or an older version. (H2) Steps to remove the Avast email signatureĭisabling the Avast footer is easy, whether you’re using Mail Shield or not. If you want to disable this feature without removing any useful data security measures, follow our easy guide on how to remove the Avast email signature. As an Avast subscriber, you may have noticed an automatic signature insert on your outgoing emails that reads: “ This email has been sent from a virus-free computer protected by Avast.”